Brian K. Wilcox, a vowed Contemplative in the Christian tradition, and Associate of Greenbough House of Prayer, offers an interspiritual work focusing on cultivating the Heart of Compassion. His book of mystical Love poetry is An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love. Brian integrates wisdom from the major spiritual Paths. May you always know that you are blessed!
*Christ the Redeemer in Rio..., Carlos Eduardo, Flickr
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The presentations at this site cover a long time period. Each one represents part of an on-going Pilgrimage, and the writer's ideas, practices, and experience have changed over time. This change is the quality of any living Journey. Please read with this in mind, allowing the inner Teacher to speak to you as you need at this particular time in your own living Journey. Thanks!
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Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of the human being.
*Oswald Chambers.
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Prayerfulness requires the accompaniment of a joyful intent to be holy and live holy
This does not mean the self-righteousness whereby one feels superior morally to others
Rather, this holiness prepares one to feel more one with others
This holiness is not about a rigid life of rightness
Rather, this holiness is about being natural and open reverent toward life, others, and self
Holiness is not an addition to life a life of ought-to or should-not being religious or not being spiritual or not
Holiness is simply the life we are naturally, thankfully to live as one Communion seen and unseen
In Holiness self-centeredness finds itself surrendering gladly to the one Center of everyone
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Grace and Peace to All
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
*You are welcome to contact Brian at briankwilcox@yahoo.com .